Thursday, June 16, 2011
Lipstick Jungle
So today was hot as hell! Comik and I managed to snap a couple of these before work, and I feel like I looked mad in alot of them haha, I was seriously sweating the whole time ew lol. On top of that the heat made my hair puffy hence the hipster fedora. Im aware that the title for this post was also of a cheesy old lady show but I thought it was kind of appropriate considering the "urban-jungle" type of scenery and the fact that I'm wearing bright lipstick, funny huh? Anyway the shorts in this post were actually boring old grey pants that didnt fit snug-guess I lost some weight-so I cut them and studded the back pocket. This is a really big trend I've seen everywhere and I'm wondering if any of you have done it?
Stay Cool!- Evee
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Florals,Fedoras and a Band Tee
I dont know if you follow me on twitter but I tweet alot-kinda- and I let you guys know there what happened with my tuesday post. Since it was a fail-day I decided to film this quick vid instead. Ive really been liking floral shorts since its not something I would typically wear, but now Im on the hunt for some high waisted ones almost like old-timey bloomers lol. Anyway today was kind of a cool day I went to this art park with Jacob (my baby son) and there was a photoshoot going on, it was kind of exciting to see what they're like so I was being a total lurker. I ended up having a quick chat with the makeup artist and she was super nice and encouraging when I told her I wanted to become an MUA too! and now I'm considering going for some formal training, I know its not necessary but I think I would be alot more confident in my skills. Anywhoville I hope your all having a wonderful week,and expect a fashion post soon. Til' Then-Evee
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Summer Playlist
Lately I have been going to Goodwill alot, I can never find clothes i like but i always find good movies books and cd's. So I picked up a couple of books for only $2.50 each! I also went to a Borders near me that was closing since I guess they're bankrupt now or so Ive read. Anywho enjoi this small post of my summer reading list and current favorite songs, I'll have an actual fashion post on tuesday night. What are some of your favorite books or songs for summer?
click the song to listen!
• foster the people-pumped up kicks
• sublime-summertime
• the cramps-fever
• marina and the diamonds-I am not a robot
• Of montreal- Jimmy [MIA cover]
• the black keys-tighten up
• nicki minaj-super bass
• silversun pickups-little lovers so polite
click the song to listen!
• foster the people-pumped up kicks
• sublime-summertime
• the cramps-fever
• marina and the diamonds-I am not a robot
• Of montreal- Jimmy [MIA cover]
• the black keys-tighten up
• nicki minaj-super bass
• silversun pickups-little lovers so polite
Monday, June 6, 2011
What's In My Bag? + OOTD
& Boots all Forever21/ Brown Studded Satchel-Local/Sunnies-Downtown LA/Target watch and my friends ring
Today was totally a mundane monday for me. I was planning on heading to the beach but when I woke up I had the most severe ear pain, I felt horrible. Towards mid-afternoon it was tolerable but I still wasnt up to much, which is why I didn't bother doing anything with my hair. I still ended up having to make a Costco run to buy diapers for the kiddo, where I noticed Costco has some amazing summer makeup sets for only $10-$15! Unfortunately I've put myself on a Makeup Buying Ban because I'm going to IMATS (the international makeup artist trade show) later this month. I went to IMATS last year and got to meet alot of famous youtubers-some were sweet, some were rude- as well as feast my eyes on all the beautiful discounted makeup. Anywho tomorrow's a brand new day, let's hope my ear dosent fall off and die LOL. Well I'm off to watch old episodes of My Little Pony- that always makes me feel better!
Salud. x-Evee
Saturday, June 4, 2011
feeling artsy?
coco de coeur "punk rock ruined me" tee/shorts -D.I.Y/leggings-downtown los angeles/sanrio pin & earrings/tokidoki bag/F21 boots & studded vest/target watch/gifted glasses
Today my friend Michelle and I shot this on a semi-secluded hilltop park with great views in the Hollywood/Los Feliz area. Ive been going to this spot for years and its so serene up there, as much as it can be in the middle of the city. I hadn't seen her in over a year so it was a cool reunion, just like old times.I feel like having this blog in a weird way is helping me reach out to people and be more social, which is weird because you would think the opposite of a nerdy blogger like me LOL! i kid i kid-but seriously its making me want to go places and try new things and just be all around more adventerous!
Moving on- the inspiration for my outfit today was Roy Lichtenstein, cartoons, and the brand Black Milk. I was feeling bold and wanted to try something creative and fun. I'm definitely living up to the name STYLE SCHIZO because I'm wearing different things everyday, and it just goes to show you that you can rock anything with confidence all you gotta do is be a little brave. After all it's fashion not rocket science!
photo credit: Michelle P.
p.s. check out my Polyvore sets to see where my inspiration came from!
Friday, June 3, 2011
American Flag Fringe Crop Top & Studded Shorts OOTD
So today was kind of lame, I wanted to shoot but couldn't-conflicting schedules and all that jazz.But good news is my friend Michelle has offered to take a couple pictures for here on saturday so we'll see how that turns out. Im always the type to plan ahead but when it comes to outfits I wait til the last minute because it always feels more organic to me and I know I wont look over-styled half the time, or at least thats my thought process. Anyway the whole american flag trend is huge, im definitely not one to follow the leader but i quite like this- however I'm not gonna spend $70 on the topshop shorts or anything else for that matter- girls gotta pay bills! So I just made this outfit out of old pants and a mans longsleeve. Now who says who cant have it all? enjoi xo-Evee
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
This is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
Hello Beautiful readers! I'm so excited to present you my first official post as style-schizo! I have been having so much fun making plans for my blog and its finally happening! All thanks to my friend "comik" for his great pictures, we teamed up to start this and i hope he stays with me as this project grows. I have alot of great posts lined up for you guys so I'd love it if you "follow"! I'm gonna be making an about me video sometime soon so we can get to know each other better,but for now I'll leave you with the details of my outfit. Also I will be posting regularly but I'd like to know how often do you think i should post? I'd love any suggestions you have!
Blouse: Zenana Outfitters
Skirt: local discount store
Mens Socks: Dollar Store
Shoes: Xhilliration
"Flaming June" Vintage Mens Watch:Goodwill
Icon Pearl Necklace: Dollar Store
Cosmetic Bag: Louis Vuitton
Nails: Essie's Sand Tropez
photo credit:
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