Saturday, June 4, 2011

feeling artsy?

coco de coeur "punk rock ruined me" tee/shorts -D.I.Y/leggings-downtown los angeles/sanrio pin & earrings/tokidoki bag/F21 boots & studded vest/target watch/gifted glasses

       Today my friend Michelle and I shot this on a semi-secluded hilltop park with great views in the Hollywood/Los Feliz area. Ive been going to this spot for years and its so serene up there, as much as it can be in the middle of the city. I hadn't seen her in over a year so it was a cool reunion, just like old times.I feel like having this blog in a weird way is helping me reach out to people and be more social, which is weird because you would think the opposite of a nerdy blogger like me LOL! i kid i kid-but seriously its making me want to go places and try new things and just be all around more adventerous!
    Moving on- the inspiration for my outfit today was Roy Lichtenstein, cartoons, and the brand Black Milk. I was feeling bold and wanted to try something creative and fun. I'm definitely living up to the name STYLE SCHIZO because I'm wearing different things everyday, and it just goes to show you that you can rock anything with confidence all you gotta do is be a little brave. After all it's fashion not rocket science!
                                                 SHINE ON CRAZY DIAMONDS. -Evee

photo credit: Michelle P.
p.s. check out my Polyvore sets to see where my inspiration came from!


  1. ahh roy lichtenstein!

    this is so great, you look completely cool and confident in this outfit. i'm definitely following. keep it up xx


  2. so cute! i love those leggings!!

  3. Love this post, photographs are amazing !

  4. Love this outfit. The leggings are amazing!

    Sam xoxo
